Tuesday 7 February 2012

...an impression or an imprint?

I love words and what they convey, or not. I love how words have a common meaning that enable us to vaguely understand each other. I guess if I didn’t love words, I wouldn’t be writing a blog and I wouldn’t be trying to express my thoughts and feelings in this way.
However I’ve been interested by what impression or imprint my words leave on myself and those who may come across this blog, because impressions and imprints are important. Sometimes in life we don’t know how we affect others and perhaps others themselves don’t truly know or understand that either. But to know our impression or imprint how cool would that feel?
So to start, I wondered about the difference between an impression and an imprint? And if I could or had to choose, which of these would I or maybe you, like your life to be?
For me an impression is fleeting, an essence that is captured in a specific moment, that may never be the same again. It’s something that is created to be interpreted just at that time – as with Impressionism. Art that captured light in a landscape at just that moment, creating a sense and feeling that could make the viewer feel that scene would never entirely be seen in the same way ever again. Unique?
There are times in life when we may be told or tell ourselves to “make a good (first) impression” – perhaps as we go for a job interview, or meet some-one new. For me this feels like creating something, back to the 19th century paintings. Portraying or revealing an image of you that may never be quite the same again, something that cannot be replicated.
So maybe my words may have done that for you…had a fleeting impression…
On the other hand making an imprint is that more significant?
An imprint sounds more determined, something that is undertaken with more conviction. Something that intends to be lasting. To print is to make an indelible mark; I’m back to artistic analogies again without even meaning to be. So is an imprint the indelible mark that we make and leave? It sounds incredible that we each can have the ability to leave an imprint – I don’t think I want to leave something physically indelible like an invention but to imprint another’s life in some way, now that feels unique.
In terms of my faith, I’m pretty sure that if Jesus had a mandate as the son of God, it wouldn’t have included making an impression – let alone a good impression. Jesus is not fleeting and what He portrays has been and is the same now as it was 2000 years ago. Jesus’ imprint however remains indelible across the centuries and certainly in my life.
My imprint is of course less significant, however I do want to thank those who have encouraged me as they have made a real imprint on my life knowingly or unknowingly and maybe on the lives of others if they ever find and read this blog.
If not, it’s my space and my imprint…

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