Monday 27 February 2012

...what are you missing

This thought occurred to me as I was cooking dinner tonight. I was recreating a recipe that isn’t enjoyed by everyone in my family and so a dish I only cook sporadically. As I was stirring the contents in the pan, I realised how luxurious the sauce looked, the smell reminded me of a rare ‘treat’ and all my senses wanted to enjoy and consume the creation.
It made me wonder how often we allow our senses to engage with life’s experiences and if not, how much of life we miss?
It made me consider what we each hold as entitlements in life – things we expect from life and God because we work hard, because we deserve it, because we sacrifice it… and in the ‘pursuit’ of these, what is it we miss?
So my ‘rare’ cookery creation would never be something on my ‘missing’ list but life goes by so quickly that maybe we should each have a missing list. Things that we are not willing to compromise on? They may not be ‘entitlements’ but a fulfiment of self, as promised by God. Is this even realistic?
How do we know what God wants for us individually? Well the Bible outlines God’s promises and requirements for each of us as His followers. But the reality is we are Human and fallible. How do we decipher which bits God is shouting at us about, where He leads us - with full visual glory, with an experience that smells like a treat, that we can almost feel….almost…unless we get it wrong.
It’s much the same as a negotiating workshop I took part in at work this week. We were asked to imagine what it would feel like if the outcome were not as we wanted? How would that help influence our part in the negotiation process? What were our Must Haves? What would be on our Wish List and what would we give as Concessions?
Our Must Have’s need to be the promises that God gives us throughout the Bible. The bible is inspired by God so therefore is true, that God has plans for us, that within Him is our rest, that He will supply all our needs that we are forgiven and we will be saved. Amen
So our Wish List maybe more about our individuality within God’s promises? Maybe the road remains the same but it is the journey that changes?
For example, we could each take the same car journey but each one would be unique. We would each have individual choices on what route to take, whether we choose to drive quickly or slowly. Would you want to observe the scenery and weather outside or would you be more interested in the internal surrounds and company in the car. What would you want on your life journey wish list?
And finally what would you be willing to make Concessions on?
What are you really willing to miss out on? Given just one life…
And are you sure your Concessions are those that God has too and have you even checked God’s Must Have List?

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