Monday 5 December 2011's possible

When I think of the times God has ‘spoken’ to me it has never been through hearing a voice I assign to God. Most often God’s voice comes through images or the writing/voice of others.
I still pray that God might reveal himself through a ‘physical’ image I see or hear but I wonder whether it would absolutely freak me completely, or whether I would simply be the same as 'doubting' Thomas. Would seeing or hearing satisfy me?
As I was praying last night I had a strong visual image of a cornfield. I was stood on the outside and the tall corn felt like a barrier, an almost impossible barrier – but something I needed to enter and be a part of, although I had no sense of what would be found within. Simply a sense that I needed to be within, to make it possible and experience ‘it’.
It reminded me of the film ‘The Field of Dreams’, where an unreasonable and irrational petition is received by the lead character. So how or why would you follow a request that seems impossible? ‘Build it and they will come’ was the commission given to Kevin Costner to remove a cornfield and replace it with a baseball field. Removing a viable money generating enterprise and replacing it with a fun dream.
Not a million times different from the commission God gave to Noah or the other many ‘crazy’ commissions that appear in the Bible as God ‘challenges’ man to hear, listen and obey. David and Goliath being one of the many Old Testament stories where the challenge seems impossible – only with God’s power can anything like a youth vs. a giant find a positive outcome.
It’s because God is of the possible, not the maybe or impossible.
So even when a situation looks impossible, it’s our lack of faith that is the challenge. God is steadfast, it’s ‘easy’ - Believe, Hear & Act.  But often the right answer doesn’t even look feasible or possible simply because of our lack of trust, vision or belief in the possible.
How sad…
Especially as the bible is full of miracles and real life stories.
So back to my cornfield – I’m on the outside but it’s not a solid wall. In fact my vision felt intriguing, exciting, God was calling me into ‘the impossible’  it simply needs me to see the opening and be engulfed by my God of the possible who will lead me…
What ‘Field of Dreams’ do you have and what do you think is impossible and is keeping you on the outside of what God wants for you?

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